How-to Develop Body Positivity


I was recently asked to participate in an every woman, every size photoshoot for Canadian and Saskatchewan-based designer, Rebecca King.

Together, with four other local women, we had the chance to get in front of the camera sporting a line we’re all known to support and love.

Fun fact! Back in the day after returning to Saskatoon after studying design in Montreal I worked for Rebecca! It’s very possible if you own an RK piece from 10 years ago I could have sewed it.

Photo Credit: Rebecca King Fashion House, Photographer: Angela Volkova 2019

Photo Credit: Rebecca King Fashion House, Photographer: Angela Volkova 2019


It’s always a pleasure to be asked to participate in things like this. You get the chance to meet new people like the ladies above and I had the chance to work with the creative team at Tyger Tyger as well!

What’s better is I love a chance to contribute to a conversation that embraces inclusivity, body acceptance, and self-love. (Topics I’ve dove into before.)

And I got to thinking…

What’s really going on internally when it comes to body acceptance and self-love?

It’s something I’ve witnessed (and felt myself) that I believe every woman struggles with, regardless of size…

For instance, I’ve worked on sets with women, that for reasons unknown, feel less than and are very self-critical. The reality and truth are they’re beautiful, stunning even and perfectly imperfect. And I for one feel that’s how it should be. Perfectly, imperfect.

We’re not meant to be cookie-cutter replicas. How boring is that…

Perhaps imperfections need to be reframed as assets instead of issues to be dealt with.

You see, there’s not a single woman on this planet that doesn’t have something they’d like to change about their face, body, skin, even shoe size in some cases. We have the habit of ragging on ourselves—forever trying to fill a void or live up to expectations set out by society, social media, or our own preconceived notions.

And we do something very toxic to ourselves…

We believe lies about our own beauty and repeat these lies back to ourselves.

For example, a woman might say to herself, “My skin is the worst. I have breakouts all the time. I’ll never look as good as __________.”

Living the emotion of an internal dialogue like this is not uncommon.

Maybe you’ve heard of the 150% mirror?

How it works is when we look in the mirror and see an “imperfection” we amplify it in our mind. While everyone else around us views us at 100% we see the issue at 150%. Thinking it’s far worse than it really is.

Alternatively, I believe the reverse is true as well. We tend to downplay our natural beauty, skills, and talents, rating ourselves below the 100% that others see.

Photo Credit: Rebecca King Fashion House, Photographer: Angela Volkova 2019

Photo Credit: Rebecca King Fashion House, Photographer: Angela Volkova 2019


So, how do we change the negative conversations we have with ourselves?

It’s something that takes time, but I believe is starts with asking 3 simple questions when you feel yourself mounting your judgemental horse (so to speak).

Hot Tip: I would recommend writing out the answers in your journal as opposed to just thinking to yourself. Writing causes thinking, which attracts new ideas and raises your vibration.

1) Is this behaviour serving me, or hurting me?

Hot Tip: This question is particularly powerful when dealing with comparison hangovers brought on by social media.

2) What do I love about myself?

Hot Tip: Feel free to write physical attributes, talents, or gifts. Or all of the above!

3) What do others compliment me on?

Hot Tip: A little social proof from those close to you or complete strangers goes a long way in establishing a resource bank of compliments to tap into when you need it most. Also, consider handing out more genuine compliments and being the reason to lift someone else up on a regular basis. Leave others with an impression of increase.

Photo Credit: Rebecca King Fashion House, Photographer: Angela Volkova 2019

Photo Credit: Rebecca King Fashion House, Photographer: Angela Volkova 2019


So, how do we walk this talk?


Relentless practice.

The only person you truly have control to change is yourself. No one else. You are your problem and your solution and that means body positivity begins with you.

The opportunity to work with several amazing women on this photoshoot has brought it top of mind for me. And rest assured I’ll be putting my money where my mouth is and challenging myself when I fall down one too many Instagram rabbit holes.

My change begins with me.




Photo Credit: Rebecca King Fashion House, Photographer: Angela Volkova 2019

Photo Credit: Rebecca King Fashion House, Photographer: Angela Volkova 2019

P.s. Let’s keep the conversation going!

I’d love to know….

  • What are constructive ways you believe we can build self-love and improved body confidence?

Leave a comment below!

Jacqueline Conway

Jacqueline Conway is the CEO of Conway Consulting. She has an extensive background in marketing, brand strategy, and producing festivals, seminars and luxury retreats throughout North America. Since joining forces with her husband Dave Conway in his mission to show people how powerful they are back in 2020, she has been integral to the growth of Conway Consulting to achieve consistent financial growth of 30-60% per year. Some of her other professional accomplishments include promoting big names like John Legend, The Roots and Ms. Lauryn Hill and supporting entrepreneurs to develop their comprehensive brand strategy in her premiere program. As the CEO of Conway, she’s on a mission to help people around the globe understand the power of their mind to create a life they truly want.

Are you a skeptic? I used to be!


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