Are you a skeptic? I used to be!


My goodness! It’s been way too long since I’ve had a new blog to share with you. And I’m here to say that you will 100% be hearing from me more frequently from now!

(I even have a Content Mastermind to make sure I do! YAS!)

The past year has been truly a whirlwind and somewhat accounts for my silence.

I’ve had the chance to launch all kinds of businesses, including a museum, an association, and multiple online coaching businesses. I really have amazing clients. I also became a partner at Conway Consulting with my husband, Dave Conway. In the past 8 months that business has scaled to 7-figures, so we’ve both been stretching as people and entrepreneurs and it’s been a beautiful journey.

Reflecting on the success of our business to this point has me thinking about where we started. We’ve only been actively studying and building an online coaching and mentorship business for two years and I was a tough sell…

It all started about 3 years ago when Dave and I attended an event that really and truly shifted our lives forever.

We went down to LA and attended a seminar called, Paradigm Shift, led by Bob Proctor.

During the event I was a total skeptic.

I was thinking,"Ok, Bob. Where's the proof that what you're teaching is true? Apparently, I can write down a goal and listen and read it a bajillion times and it'll happen?"


Didn't fully buy it… but…

And this is a big but…

I did write down a goal, on a card, and began to make shifts toward it. I thought might as well see if this fella knows his stuff. Of course, Dave did the same… his understanding was way beyond my own since he’d been studying this kind of thing for many years.

What happens next is really cool…

Recently, I found that first goal card out of a bag in my office, and I kid you not, it had happened! That goal that I thought was impossible, that I didn't really believe in, had happened.

Was I late at achieving it? Oh yeah. By like a year! I was a skeptic, right.

Then I started to wonder...

If I had just truly believed in what I had wrote down, given myself permission to become the person I needed to become to achieve it, would it have happened faster?

I'm leaning towards a most definitely!

Do I regret taking my time? No way. I had some learning, growing, and feeling to do.

I’m very much an experiential learner and then add on several layers of passions! So, I really need to try all the things to understand what I like and what energizes me. Maybe you can relate?

So, today in addition to the work I do at TrendBlazer Studio, working with super rad entrepreneurs on mastering their online brands, I'm building a team with Dave at Conway Consulting.

You see, after that same event, Dave went all in becoming a Mindset Coach. He ended up working directly for Bob (the guy from before that I was questioning) because he's dynamite at teaching this kinda stuff.

Then together we launched Conway Consulting last fall to teach people 1) How to set and achieve their goals, 2) How to sell with integrity, and 3) How to bring order to their minds.

For the past year we’ve been offering a workshop called, The Goal Achiever, and we just hosted our last one indefinitely. The good news is there is a replay and I wanted to share the opportunity for you to watch it while it’s available.

Take it from me… Bypass the skepticism and check it out.

Dave teaches during the workshop how to formulate a goal card that actually works! It’s the same thing I was talking about above. Except… just accept the idea.

When we want something or when we want to change something you have to repeat the idea over and over and over. It’s scientific fact, our brains really like systems and 96-98% of our behaviour is habitual.

So, if we want progress in our life and business, we have to change. And it takes a catalyst like writing down an idea on a card that can do it.

It also takes support, leadership and mentorship, but it really starts with identifying your goal and writing it down.

In the workshop replay, you’ll learn how to overcome old thinking to create a new world for yourself using the power of goals. You’ll also learn how to form a purpose statement and how to create your 5-year vision.

Cool, right?

There's also a visualization session where many attendees are wiping away the happy tears. So lovely.

So, take a chance on yourself. Watch the replay and stay connected with us in Conway Consulting’s group, Dave Conway Live.

I know that there’s no way in the world we would have reached 7-figures in under a year without understanding what’s taught in the Goal Achiever Workshop.



P.s. Dave and I do a bi-weekly LIVE Q&A in Dave Conway Live. Be sure to watch previous episodes and RSVP to get all the details for the next one!

Jacqueline Conway

Jacqueline Conway is the CEO of Conway Consulting. She has an extensive background in marketing, brand strategy, and producing festivals, seminars and luxury retreats throughout North America. Since joining forces with her husband Dave Conway in his mission to show people how powerful they are back in 2020, she has been integral to the growth of Conway Consulting to achieve consistent financial growth of 30-60% per year. Some of her other professional accomplishments include promoting big names like John Legend, The Roots and Ms. Lauryn Hill and supporting entrepreneurs to develop their comprehensive brand strategy in her premiere program. As the CEO of Conway, she’s on a mission to help people around the globe understand the power of their mind to create a life they truly want.

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