How-to Tap Into Your Creativity
Photo by Nicole Romanoff. Refined YXE Editorial behind the scenes. Yes, that’s me straightening tulle on a Saskatchewan designed dress by Whiskey Teacup.
A widespread myth believed by millions of people is this…
I’m not creative.
The beautiful truth is that this just isn’t true. It couldn’t be farther from the truth. The real deal is you’re a human being that possesses higher faculties, one of which is your imagination.
Consider this…
“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” -Albert Einstein
I would venture to guess that you have an imagination, right?
Give this exercise a try…
Imagine a place in the world you’d like to go. Build an image of that place. What are you doing there? What are you wearing? Who are you with? Where are you staying? What do you experience? What do you smell?
Try closing your eyes to build this scene.
Pretty cool, right? If you did that exercise as described you have just proven that:
a) You're creative, and b) you have an imagination!
I’ve discovered that sometimes we reserve incredible gifts we possess for limited or specific times and places. For example, I used to almost exclusively use my ability to visualize for when I was choreographing a dance. (I’ve been a jazz instructor for over 16 years). When I realized and understood that this power could be tapped into at anytime it was an incredible epiphany for me.
So, how do we cultivate creativity? How do we tap in that higher part of ourselves on a regular basis? Here’s how it’s done, according to a #trendblazer.
1) Decide and commit to embracing and living a more creative life.
All change, personal and professional growth begins with a decision. Nothing will happen to inspire more creativity until a decision is made and you also commit to building these habits into your life.
You’ll also discover creativity, begets creativity. And the second you decide to let more into your life, the more you’ll begin to notice. You see when you decide on something you cut yourself off from any other possibility. That pure focus will move you down a new path and open you up to a host of new experiences, epiphanies, joy, and amazement. Quite simply, a beautiful place to be.
So, step one? Decide to be more creative! The remaining how-tos will outline some fun ways to build this new habit into your life.
2) Immerse yourself in creative environments.
When I attended fashion design school in Montreal, my hands down favourite professor explained how important it is for young designers to explore the world around us. And not the digital world. The physical world.
She encouraged us to go to every museum in Montreal and beyond. Some of my favourite from my time in Montreal was the exhibit on Yves Saint Laurent, the Golden Age of Couture (1947 to 1957), and Waterhouse.
She told us to go to movies and sketch clothes inspired by the film. She told us to walk, always. Enjoy nature. Travel. Observe other art and design mediums, like architecture, graphic design, interior design. I was a poor student at the time, so travel wasn’t in the cards for me, which forced me to get even more creative with where I went and how I spent my time.
This practice opened my mind to the connection between art, design, fashion, music, culture and beyond.
What I noticed was when we experience expressed creativity it elevates our conscious awareness of what’s possible. We expand our thoughts and let in fresh perspectives, which can spark our own unique ideas and iterations.
How to integrate this into your life…
Find different arts, music, fashion, or cultural events you can attend. Support local galleries, artisans, and museums. Find ways to enjoy the outdoors. I would also encourage you to bring along a sketch pad, or journal and do this solo if possible. You’ll also discover many of these experiences are inexpensive or cost nothing, but can give so much in inspiration, motivation, and ideation.
3) Listen, read, and observe other creative work.
Now that we’ve explored the physical world, it’s equally important to dive into a more mindful world. I tap into mentors, experts, and authors on topics like human potential, spirituality, psychology, science, physics… to expand my knowledge and push my thinking. Podcasts are another great way to do this.
I would recommend the work of following experts and thought leaders: Marie Forleo, Deepak Chopra, Gabrielle Bernstein, Elizabeth Gilbert, Neville Goddard, and Neil deGrasse Tyson.
How to integrate this into your life…
Search any of the above experts and try out their written and auditory content. Many of them also produce videos and television programs, but I would strongly encourage you to take this practice offline as much as possible.
Hot Tip: Combine this recommendation with the one above for total brain meltdown if you dare! ;)
4) Engage with other creative people.
Getting into the spirit of creative thinking takes a tribe and requires a departure from old thought patterns.
I feel very lucky to live in a city that has a wide range of creatives producing events, art showcases, festivals, events, and live shows, basically every night of the week. It’s super easy for me to find creative people on the move.
And have I mentioned I live in a city of 250,000 people in the middle of the Canadian prairies? If I can find creative compadres, so can you!
How to integrate this into your life…
Search Facebook events. In my opinion, it’s the best way to find out what’s happening live and in-person in your city.
Become poster conscious. Most creatives are producing events on a shoe-string budget and are likely taking to the streets to promote their work. When you’re in your downtown core, local cafes or hot spots pay close attention to the posters on the walls and take note of what’s going on.
And here’s the kicker to this whole thing… when you find something that interests you and you want to go. Show up! Support! Engage! Being flakey is not allowed.
5) Move your body. I recommend dancing.
I mentioned early I’ve been a jazz dance instructor for over 16 years. I’ve choreographed so many groups, solos, duos, and small groups over the years that my kids are friends with the kids of people I used to teach! Wild!
Dancing has always been and will remain a huge part of my life and what’s magical about it is the union of music and movement. There’s nothing like it. You find your rhythm. You express from your heart. And you enter into an entirely new frequency and feel a whole new set of emotions.
It’s like being free from BS and the stranglehold of computer culture. When I teach and move I use a completely different set of skills and faculties and I believe a million per cent that I am a better designer, marketer, and stylist because of moving and grooving at least twice per week for the past 31 years of my life.
Get moving. Don’t judge yourself. And have FUN.
How to integrate this into your life…
Take to google and find local drop-in classes or dance-related fitness classes. I’ve never done Zumba (I’ve heard great things), but I have done LOTS of Essentric classes, which is like engaged dance stretching meets pilates. It’s fantastic if choreographed dance feels out of reach.
Or! Dance in your kitchen! I do that daily!
And the final tip is by far the best one…
6) Create something!
I know it seems way too simple, but you must act! We’ve just talked about how to open your mind and imagination to the world around you and now is the time to create. You have all the raw materials, talent, and potential you could ever need right inside of you and now is the time to bring a project to life.
Also, don’t think it needs to be a visual project. Writing is just as creative as painting and dancing. Also, gardening and cooking are insanely creative endeavours. However, you like to express yourself… go and do it!
As you consider the above, I’d like to leave you with these 4 hot tips above all!
#1: Decide to tap into your creativity.
#2: Explore other creative work, environments, and communities.
#3: Move your body to loosen by your thinking.
#4: Create something!
I absolutely loved writing this article for you today. If you want more content like this follow me over on Instagram, subscribe to my TrendBlazer Insiders newsletter below, or, request to join my closed Facebook group. Lots of ways for us to continue to hang out!
Always remember you are an incredibly creative person and all that’s needed to express yourself more fully is to start.