Something New
Today I have something new and sparkly for YOU.
Carrying on each Friday look out for my ALL NEW TrendBlazer Insiders newsletter!
Think of the upcoming content like a well-crafted Sezane collection: some fun, some business, and plenty of inspiration.
One of the reasons why I felt compelled to start doing this was I’ve learned and continue to learn HEAPS of business gold as Conway Consulting has grown.
There are certainly a few arrows in my back that I would like you to avoid and this newsletter is one small way to share some ideas, wisdom or honestly... jokes to make your entrepreneurship journey more seamless, breezy and quite frankly... FUN! Above all else the journey must be fun.
Here’s some content themes I’m working on:
Marketing essentials, developing new offers, hiring and firing, diving into the world of low ticket offerings, dressing for camera, integrating work travel back into our life, upcoming workshop details and much more!
So to officially kick-off our weekly coffee, wine or diet coke break (my personal favourite)... Don’t hate me health coaches...
Here is your first TrendBlazer Insiders newsletter!
-Jacq xx
Hot Tip
Revelations and food for thought.
When developing a marketing campaign or launch... Don’t make the process, tech, or outcomes bigger or more complex than they need to be. Keep your processes, messaging, required tools, and communications simple and clear. Then as you grow, dial up your complexity and place a serious emphasis on gathering analytics and data. This becomes more and more important as you grow, so you can better understand your prospects and clients. Until then, keep it simple!
Hot Take
Opinion section. Take it or leave it.
In 2023, I’ve dropped the concept of productivity and instead adopted the idea of premium energy. Instead of racing to get things done — I place more emphasis on taking care of myself and planning my week in large blocks of work.
This means I am intentional with drinking water, getting enough sleep, and creating a master list of what I need to focus on for the week — replacing monstrously long daily to do lists.
The results so far have been less tension in my back, more work enjoyment, and less overwhelm when it comes to major projects. Win-win-win.
Thank you Katherine Morgan Schafler for this insight!
Check out her book here > The Perfectionist’s Guide to Losing Control.